Friday, September 16, 2011

Saturday, September 3, 2011

ZimTrip: Emsizini Secondary School

Zimbabwe was a great experience and this is the first of many videos displaying what I did in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

God's love

By God's grace, I am a recovering hedonist, narcissist, humanist, ....

Monday, February 28, 2011

It is truly difficult to believe God in this time but I most in Him. It is hard to trust to know that God will deliver my brother but I must. God has done some amazing things in this situation that has drawn glory to Himself.

I used to hate my brother, he was the bane of my existence, but God has reconciled our relationship and I now love him beyond belief

My father for the first time since I could ever remember has called out to the Lord for something and it not involving food. The only other time I can remember is when I went to Moody and had no idea how God was going to provide the finances to be there

My nephews are practicing the spiritual discipline of prayer before the age of 5

My sister has been in more prayer than she has ever been and has been forced to be conscious of God

It's difficult to know what to say to help my brother bur I have to trust in God that's really all I can muster up. My strength fails me in this moment but God is all-powerful

God please don't let my brother go to jail but redeem him. Lord, shine Your face upon that he may be saved. AMEN

Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Years Theme 2011

Every year, I always like to set a theme for the year, not resolution, because resolutions are usually something you want to try to do better or different or do once and that's it. No! For me, these themes are my mantras and tones for that year. Through the last 6 years I have set a theme at New Year's that guides me through the year. 2011's theme is "Unashamed", and I will need lots and lots of prayer to live out this theme everyday of my life, 2011 and beyond.


2005 - "Year of Tyrome"- No I did not dedicate this year to me, but this was a big year for me. Getting my diploma, getting my first college degree (before my high school graduation), going off to college for the first time, making the cover of a magazine, a poem in publication, was on the news for Ramona's kids (highlights Cleveland's child prodigies), was in a newspaper, my call to ministry, preached my first sermon, and completed the greatest single semester GPA comback in the history of MVNU and possibly in undergrad everywhere. It was a year that God really exalted me, I know that sounds weird, but it was a year that God really blessed me with honors and accomplishments. I think He did that to show me that I was actually worth something.

2006 - "Giving Year back to God"- After a year full of blessings of honors, I decided to give 2006 back to God by truly trying to grow closer to Him and being led by Him. In 2006, I went on my first short-term mission trip, I completed my first year MVNU and preached my 2nd sermon. I grew closer to God to the point where I felt like I was understanding my call even more. I even started mentoring a young man that I am proud to call a brother. And October of that year, I got a new nickname <\T/>.

2007 - "Year of the Falcon"- This year I continued forward progress towards God, and understood the concept of "the Falcon". Or I lost my mind. In 2007, I recorded my first song (which I referenced myself as "the Falcon"), recorded my first video, won my 2nd election in my schooling history, and I got before Chapel twice within 2 weeks. MVNU's Spring Revival was amazing this year. That felt good. I went to Cedar Point with three of my best friends, which was one my most memorable MVNU times. I lost a best female friend, but simultaneously got a new one. I stayed in MVNU for the summer and learned more about my faith and struggled with my faith more than I ever had in my life (at that point). The Falcon began his rise!!!

2008 - "Heart of Worship"- After 3 straight positive emotionally-driven years, I felt my gratification should go to the next level, worship to God. The next process in my "pilgrim's progress" was to be humbled by God, so that I may worship Him. This year I battled brokenness, my 2nd nervous breakdown, doubts for my future, came to grips with post-undergrad life, redeemed a broken friendship, needed counseling, and needed the support of great friends to get me thru a tough time in my life. Serving on SGA prepared me for Christian service by getting into a mindset of Servant Leadership, a mindset that Jim has been instilling in me since I walked into MVNU. I ended this year holding on to my faith in God's Sovereignty and Faithfulness. I graduated from MVNU, went to Moody against my better judgment and the wishes of some UMC clergy. I finished my introduction or preamble of my journey and started the most crucial part of my life: The Rise of the Falcon!!!

2009 - "Investing into the Kingdom by Investing into People"- With the focus of my life changing ever so quickly to the exaltation and gratification of self to exaltation and worship of God, I have been touched with so many concepts going into this year. But anyways, this year was about serving God thru serving God's people, the Body of Christ.Though I passed up many opportunities to invest into people this year and initially felt like I failed, the truth is I did fairly decent job of investing into people year, and also my first year of investing something else. What I learned this year is the true necessity for community and accountability within the Body of Christ.

2010 - "Seeking God's Heart and Pursue It" - 2010 was such a heavy emotional and spiritual struggle. I questioned my call twice and both times did not get an answer i was satisfied with. Both times it was about drawing closer to God for this time. I came to the point when honestly, i didn't care if i was going to be a pastor or not, i just wanted to do God's will and nothing else. Each time, God was basically saying love me first. The heart of God is vast and complex, but His Word tells us. There is an exhaustive list of what I learned from God's heart, but basically, "love God, love people, make disciple-makers" (Bill Allison). What I struggled with this year was the practicality of ministry. I am an already unpractical person, but this year, the practicality of ministry finally set in and it created tension. Paul told me to stay in the tension, and I did. My professor spoke in class about bearing our cross, I concept that I didn't realize was the Christian life, and I went crazy. My pastor who i served under in my internship, suggested that maybe i was not called to be a senior pastor, i went crazy. And lately, I have been thinking about what I will do immediately after Moody, which is only 3 semesters away, i went crazy. The enemy targeted me heavy this year and though I went through some of the best spiritual levels i have ever been, i also went through so many dry spells and spiritual lows, and was confronted with sin and baggage (and carry-on) that i had for years, but never knew. I truthfully contemplate leaving Moody twice this year.

2011 - "Unashamed" - I got this notion from the 116 Clique when they came to Moody last month (Nov) for a concert. It was a great concert and i wouldn't have known half the songs had it not be for 9 and Brandon. But they asked a question, "How many of you are unashamed?" I raised my hand but i thought about it afterwards. What does it mean to be unashamed of the Gospel? The 116 Clique gets their name from Romans 1:16, "For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek." Well here's two things to chew on: (1) I don't actively evangelize; (2) If I were not a Christian, how would my life look any different? (I would honestly take pride in my morality and be happy in that. What does it mean to be "Unashamed"? I think it has to do with evangelizing, bearing your cross, loving God and people with subsequent desires and actions, it is practical not theoretical. When I do life, am I pointing people to Jesus Christ? Am I burdened for others to come to Christ? Does the cross of Christ make a difference in my life? So this year, my mantra is to live unashamed of my faith in Jesus Christ!


Later days ....

