Sometimes, I believe, we were not meant to be in certain times in certain places, that God puts us in certain places for certain times. We are put in places for seasons, and then we are uprooted. Maybe to grow more, to experience new things, or maybe to not be where you once were. But it is weird to look at an environment that I once was, and know that I was not meant to be there now.
In a couple weeks, I will be returning to my alma mater at MVNU. Even in the summer and one semester that I have been gone, there has been some significant changes. Changes that I probably would have not been able to deal with if I existed in that society on a regular basis, without having my 3rd nervous breakdown.
I call it a "Post-Falconistic" MVNU. An MVNU that exists without me, and without my influence. The biggest development that I would have to come to grips with is the fact that my always relatively accessible best friend has a girlfriend. Its difficult to know that my relatively accessible best friend may not be as accessible as I would like. If I were around, chances are I would have tried to influence him not to get in a relationship with any girl because I am going thru a stage where I am kinda "anti-relationships". I have not come to terms with it yet and I think I would have felt a little better if he was dating someone I knew, but its something I will have to get over because he could marry her one day, and as 1/2 of my best friend duo and best men, I will have to deal with it anyways.
The second half of the duo that keeps me sane in this lonely world is dealing with anxiety of graduating. He is coming up on his last semester, and not having a job set up after graduation has been the root of his anxiety. I can certainly understand. I worked 2 jobs to pay for grad school and it made me appreciate so much more how undergrad was almost worry-free compared to life now. Finding a job is difficult enough with the economy the way it is. People believe that the Obama adminstration will help things pick-up, but I don't trust in the hands of men, but rather God's. I pray God would help him find a job that is closely associated with his degree, and I have faith he will.
With a new chaplain, new leader in student development, a protege going thru a massive spiritual trial, a best friend possibly falling for another best friend, a mentor who is working alone, and a handful of other Falconry members going thru distress, makes this a very interesting visit.
I miss my friends and they certainly miss me, and I am told that regularly. It feels good to be missed, and to feel like you belong somewhere that people seriously miss you. Dare I say that I did not feel that same acceptance in my home. I grew up bitter, depressed, spiteful, and cold. I blame my family, global warming, or public housing. I think global warming would be more plausible. I can't wait to get back, but I hope that I can handle a small dose of it. Its almost like the return of Jack Bauer to CTU in day 5 of "24". Can Falco survive in the post-Falconistic MVNU? Find out on the mid-season premier of "Rise of the Falcon". Later Days.........
Shalom and Much Hesed to Ya!!!!!!!
In a couple weeks, I will be returning to my alma mater at MVNU. Even in the summer and one semester that I have been gone, there has been some significant changes. Changes that I probably would have not been able to deal with if I existed in that society on a regular basis, without having my 3rd nervous breakdown.
I call it a "Post-Falconistic" MVNU. An MVNU that exists without me, and without my influence. The biggest development that I would have to come to grips with is the fact that my always relatively accessible best friend has a girlfriend. Its difficult to know that my relatively accessible best friend may not be as accessible as I would like. If I were around, chances are I would have tried to influence him not to get in a relationship with any girl because I am going thru a stage where I am kinda "anti-relationships". I have not come to terms with it yet and I think I would have felt a little better if he was dating someone I knew, but its something I will have to get over because he could marry her one day, and as 1/2 of my best friend duo and best men, I will have to deal with it anyways.
The second half of the duo that keeps me sane in this lonely world is dealing with anxiety of graduating. He is coming up on his last semester, and not having a job set up after graduation has been the root of his anxiety. I can certainly understand. I worked 2 jobs to pay for grad school and it made me appreciate so much more how undergrad was almost worry-free compared to life now. Finding a job is difficult enough with the economy the way it is. People believe that the Obama adminstration will help things pick-up, but I don't trust in the hands of men, but rather God's. I pray God would help him find a job that is closely associated with his degree, and I have faith he will.
With a new chaplain, new leader in student development, a protege going thru a massive spiritual trial, a best friend possibly falling for another best friend, a mentor who is working alone, and a handful of other Falconry members going thru distress, makes this a very interesting visit.
I miss my friends and they certainly miss me, and I am told that regularly. It feels good to be missed, and to feel like you belong somewhere that people seriously miss you. Dare I say that I did not feel that same acceptance in my home. I grew up bitter, depressed, spiteful, and cold. I blame my family, global warming, or public housing. I think global warming would be more plausible. I can't wait to get back, but I hope that I can handle a small dose of it. Its almost like the return of Jack Bauer to CTU in day 5 of "24". Can Falco survive in the post-Falconistic MVNU? Find out on the mid-season premier of "Rise of the Falcon". Later Days.........
Shalom and Much Hesed to Ya!!!!!!!
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